Mastering Heat Management with Cool Wall Fireplace Systems

in Fireplace Product Feature by Roxie Leigh

Heat Management Cool Wall Systems for the DelRay Series

Because today’s homeowners often want to mount a TV or artwork above their fireplace, heat management and keeping a cool wall is a top concern. Gas fireplaces put out a considerable amount of heat and that can damage delicate electronics. That’s why Montigo has several options for heat control and heat redirection.

The DelRay Linear and DelRay Square series fireplaces have multiple heat management options available, also known as “Cool Wall Systems”.

Cool Wall Release

Cool Wall Release is more of a feature than a technology. The release happens during installation when you leave the venting ports on the top of the unit uncovered. Trapped heat that normally makes the finishing surface of a fireplace hotter releases into the fireplace chase.

Now, since all that heat transfers from the fireplace into the chase, it needs to go somewhere. Building a chase valance allows the heat to escape safely while maintaining a clean, uninterrupted finish.

DelRay venting ports

DelRay Fireplace Cool Wall Release Venting Ports

Cool Wall Release results in surprisingly low temperatures right above the opening of the unit. In fact, when utilizing this feature, you can finish the fireplace with combustible materials directly on the face of the unit.

In instances where the fireplace chase meets the ceiling, a louver can be installed to allow some of the heat back into the room.

DelRay Square heat management cool wall release with valence

Cool Wall Release Air Flow

Cool Wall Advantage

The Cool Wall Advantage System is more direct and controlled than the Cool Wall Release.

With Cool Wall Advantage, heat management is achieved by attaching 5″ flex pipe to the venting ports. The flex pipe runs to a plenum/louver and discharges heat from the fireplace back into the room or an adjoining room. This not only helps lower surface temperatures but also redirects the heat in a more efficient way.

Depending on your fireplace and application, several Cool Wall Advantage options are available. TV plenums come in four different sizes and sidewall kits come in both horizontal and vertical configurations.

Cool Wall Advantage Sidewall KIt

Cool Wall Advantage Sidewall Kit

Which Heat Management System is Right for Your Installation?

Cool Wall Release

Cool Wall Release is suitable if a cool wall is your ultimate goal and controlled heat redirection is not important. The majority of installations can achieve a cool wall by using the Cool Wall Release guidelines in the installation manual.

Cool Wall Release has specific guidelines in regards to how big the opening should be based on the BTU rating of the fireplace.

Cool Wall Advantage

If you want both a cool wall and the ability to redirect heat into the room or an adjacent room, then Cool Wall Advantage is the right solution.

Cool Wall Advantage kits also come into play when a TV recess is used and delicate electronics are involved. Since the redirected heat is contained by a 5″ flex pipe, it prevents the inner face of a recess and the cables that run through it from the heat.

The Cool Wall Advantage kit is available in sizes appropriate for the fireplace. (ie. A DRSQ46 cannot use the 36″ TV Kit, as the total square inch opening is less than the required amount).

Cool Wall Advantage cannot be used to vent heat outdoors, but can be directed into an adjacent room if desired.

Read more about the Cool Wall Advantage in the installation manual.

Cool Wall Advantage Guide

Commercial Quality

Professionals planning a custom residential or commercial fireplace project, please contact the Montigo Sales Rep in your area.

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